Essay On Instrumental Drug Use

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First to know and understand the difference in the instrumental and recreational drug use and licit and illicit drugs we have to know what the meaning of drug. According to the Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary (2012), a drug is a chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind or body, or a substance used recreationally for its effects on the central nervous system, such as a narcotic. Instrumental drug use would be described as a use for a certain type of drug with intentions to aide the purpose of the use through prescription such as morphine. According to Boys, Marsden, & Strang (2001), the term instrumental drug use is to signify the use of prescription drugs for the intentions to connect to the means for its effects. Recreational drug use is the opposite of instrumental instead of medicating something within the body, it is non-prescription and for pleasure and for its effects only, such as cocaine or marijuana. Levinthal (2012) referred to the pleasure of getting high or to retrieve a positive state of mind. …show more content…

For example, a few people may realize that the term illicit drugs allude to drugs that are illegal or taboo. Be that as it may, numerous individuals do not understand that these types of drugs are unlawful to use, as well as illegal to manufacture, deliver, and sell. Licit drugs are legal to have, manufacture and sell in public places with age requirements, whereas illicit drugs are illegal and the opposite of licit. The use of legal drugs are recommended by a doctor and instructed on how to use. These are also prescribed to patients for illnesses and some can be purchased at drugstores that are considered to be over the counter purchases. “However, illicit drugs are those that have been classified as illegal because they pose a threat to one’s health and in some cases, their life” (Transcend,

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