Sociology Paper On Inequality

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Cameron Ocasio Soc 1 Eric Lichten 12/5/17 Inequality What is inequality? “Social inequality is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society.” There is so much inequality in the world and so many different types of inequalities. Ignoring the fact that there is inequality in the world can be very dangerous. I feel like most people feel that they are being cheated and that there is some form of inequality going on. However, some people are either ignorant or uneducated and don’t understand how big the gap is between different groups in society. There is a lot to learn about inequality. If you ask a sociologist about inequality they will tell you that the nature of society …show more content…

First we must understand how inequality started. Obviously like I mentioned before there will always be inequalities such as intelligence and looks no matter what. Ignoring that, lets understand how inequality came to be. As soon as a organization is formed is when inequality takes place. In an organization there are different roles that have different powers and ultimately there is some sort of ranking between people in this organization. Understanding this will help you understand why the world is the way it is now. It helps you understand why there is different economic classes and why some people make more money than others. If you ask any sociologist how did inequality emerge in the first place they will tell you it’s because of social conflict and the division of labor. The division of labor is basically referring to when different people take part in a task to improve efficiency. An easy example of this would be a factory or any job you can find. Once positions of power are crated then inequality is formed. Knowing that general idea will help make sense of why inequality is here and why it is very difficult to get rid

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