Essay On Hiroshima Bombing

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America thought it would be a good idea to bomb islands with millions of civilians to end the war but, many people died. The bomb was the force equivalent to 12,500 tons of TNT. The bomb was not tested and used on the civilian population. The bombing should have happened because if it didn’t many more people would have died in the war. The planes and bombs were a big part in the bombing. The two bombs names were little boy and fat man, the ships were b-295 and there were also scientific teams there to document the explosion. There were also a series of non nuclear fire bombs bombed on Japan before the big atomic bombs. The fire bombs killed more people than the atomic bombs attacks did. In the bombing of Hiroshima the U.S. used its first non tested atomic bomb on a city of civilians. The bomb was armed at 6:30am the plane was ready for bombing at 7:47am. Hiroshima had 245,000 residents in August 1945. Hiroshima was also Japan’s second army base. The U.S. ended the war but took many lives while doing so. The aftermath of the bombing was devastating, there were so many people...

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