Essay On High School Murder

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“According to the FBI , youth under 18 account for 14% of all arrest a year. 34% of those are arrested for violent crimes.” When the supreme court ruled that life without parole for a juvenile, it was outrageous because why should a 17 and a half year old be considered a juvenile for setting off a bomb in a crowded mall or even gunning down dozens of students and teachers, why should they be considered children. Teens should be punished for their actions accordingly for the law they broke. For anything above a misdemeanor they should do some sort of jail time depending on the seriousness of the crime. For example first degree murder should be a lifetime sentence in jail. Voluntary manslaughter should also be a lifetime sentence in jail.
First of all, in the article “Startling Finds on Teenage Brains” Paul Thompson argues that “Even though normal teens are experiencing a wildfire of tissue loss in their brains, …show more content…

There is unarmed robbery and armed robbery. An armed robbery is when they have a ways to assault a cashier or a civilian other than their hands. If a teenager commits unarmed robbery they should not spend the rest of their life in prison they should be forced to go through a rehabilitation program for juveniles. “A Sacramento teen claimed he was mimicking a TV program about little girls who rob a bank was given a 26-years-to-life prison term. Tried as an adult was fourteen when he stabbed to death a mini mart clerk.“ This is an example of armed robbery from the article “Kids Are Kids- Until They Commit Crimes” by Marjie Lundstrom. This is a crime that deserves a teenager to be thrown into the adult system with no chance of rehabilitation. Thomas knew what he was doing was wrong even though he claimed to be mimicking a TV program, even in the program the girls got sentenced to prison for their acts. This is no excuse for the teenager to have not been thrown into prison, his sentence was

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