Essay On Hermandad

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The single most important characteristic of this Hermandad that appeals to me the most is the tightly-knit brotherhood the Hermanos hold. The Hermanos show each other love and treat each other with respect, which is what a true fraternity is all about. This Hermandad treats each other like family and that is why it appeals to me the most. The Hermanos in this Hermandad stand by each other and represent their fraternity well. These brothers hold a bond that I’ve never witnessed before and being a part of that bond they hold would truly be an accomplishment. Members from all over the state of New York, hold this indestructible bond with one another, I have witnessed Hermanos from different schools treat each other with dignity and respect and that’s something special; they don’t even attend the same school, and yet they still have a substantial amount of love for each other. That’s how close-knitted their relationship with their brothers are. These Hermanos enjoy spending time with each other and their …show more content…

My brother has always been there to support me throughout my academics while growing up, he led me to the right direction. Now that I am in college, I no longer have my brother to support me. But with this Hermandad, I feel like I can still have someone that’ll assist me whenever I’m in need of assistance and can look out for me. These Hermanos have shown that with one another The bond this Hermandad holds is one that cannot be broken. They look out for each other and show love to one another and they never let anything get in the way of their bond. Their brotherhood is their most important characteristic because it’s what builds the Hermandad. Their brotherhood doesn’t end once the students are graduates, it continues throughout life. Without the brotherhood, it wouldn’t truly be an Hermandad, a brotherhood is what defines an Hermandad. As the Hermandad says, “La Unidad Para

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