Essay On Friar Lawrence In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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I think that Friar Lawrence is the most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Here is my reasons, One of the reasons is that he agreed to marry them. Thinking that the marriage would end the feud between the Capulets and Montagues and the streets of Verona would final peaceful. “ O, she knew well thy love did by route, that could not spell but come, young waverer, come go with me in one respect I'll thy assistant be ; for this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households rancor to pure love” (Friar 1) Another reason is that when he made his plan about Juliet to drink the poison which would stop the wedding he said he would send a messenger to tell Romeo. But the only problem was that he didn't explain to the messenger that …show more content…

Stay not to question for the watch is coming, come, go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay” (Frair 2) You could that he did procrastinate for a bit and that the nurse also had a bit to do about it. Yes I do agree with you but the only problem is that he did agree after a while and then he thought that they would tell there's parents because the nurse was there. And that the nurse really didn't have that much of fault because she never approved of it but she only kept it a secret because she didn't want to get in trouble with Mr. Capulet or Mrs. Capulet. And also that the nurse was the one who was telling Romeo about these things because she always treated Juliet as her daughter so she wanted the best for her and Romeo. and she didn't want her to have a awful marriage with Paris and to not be happy with the marriage. And another reason that the nurse was not the major cause of the death of Romeo and Juliet is that she did not know the plan of Friar giving Juliet the poison that would make her go in a half coma because when the nurse saw Juliet she was scared because she thought that she was dead not knowing that Friar gave her the poison. And that concludes by reason on why I think that Friar was the cause of the death of Romeo and

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