Essay On Foreshadowing In Hamlet

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We began our discussion with statements from every person on what their opinion of the role of foreshadowing is in the play. Chris said the use of foreshadowing in this play directly contradicts the functional rules of the universe within the play. Katherine said that this contradiction suggests their universe may not be entirely random. Helen, in turn, said that it is odd for things to be predicted through foreshadowing but also random and absurd. Samuel agreed with the general consensus on the way foreshadowing is presented. Before we were able to answer the purpose, we had to discuss how foreshadowing is recognized. We arrived to the conclusion that there are recognizable patterns in every story or novel we read. Sammi said that these patterns are reflective of our life. Helen said foreshadowing can only be noticed in hindsight. Chris said if one believes in the determinism then foreshadowing can be brought into a our lives. In other words, whether one accepts free will determines whether one believes foreshadowing can exist in our realities. Chris also mentioned that characters in both Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead arrive to their fate because they are either indecisive or hesitant to make a decision. Katherine said …show more content…

One example is right on the cover of the book. The title Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead suggests that those two characters will die. Abraham and Samuel mentions that the Player is another example. The Player said a play cannot exist without blood. In this case, the blood represents the future deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. In addition, Sammi adds that the play within a play which was created by the Tragedians is another of the foreshadowing. The Tragedian’s play characters who dress up as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. They performed a scene in which both of those characters die in Act III of the play. This also predicts the death Rosencrantz and

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