Essay On Expasy

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Computational tools provide researchers to understand physico- chemical and structural properties of proteins. A large number of computational tools are available for making predictions regarding the identification and structure prediction of proteins. Here ProtParam tool of Expasy is used to evaluate and determine various parameters. Isoelectric point (pI) is the pH at which the surface of protein is covered with charge but net charge of the protein is zero. Proteins are found to be stable and compact at their pI. The calculation of the protein charge does not include knowledge about any potential post-translational modifications the protein may have. The protein charge plot (Fig. 2) here shows that in the pH range of 6-8, the isoelectric point of all the four subunits of the enzyme lie. The computed pI value of alpha, beta and delta subunits (pI < 7) indicates that these subunits are acidic and the pI of gamma subunit (pI > 7) reveals that it is basic in character. The computed isoelectric point (pI) will be useful for developing buffer systems for purification by isoelectric focu...

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