Essay On Engaging The Rosa Family

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Identifying the needs. The reading suggests as a minority population the Rosa family may need an engaging family therapist who, focuses on the family's overall needs. A therapist that is active, personal, and respectful of the Rosa family structure and boundaries. Remembering the patriarchal structure that men have authority over the woman, therefore, t may be important to speak with and engage the husband first (McGoldrick, p246). Encouraging the family to discuss both positive and negative reactions (McGoldrick, p237). They need a therapist that speaks Spanish and knows their culture (McGoldrick, P 252). Additional family and community support could benefit the family, such as, a GYN for Jenny’s sexual behavioral health or referring Jenny for a life skill courses. Engaging the Rosa family. When working with the Rosa’s I must be self-aware and culturally competent. Making …show more content…

However, I know I must be aware of my own personal bias and misconceptions. I may differ from the Rosa’s, but my job is to provide them with the best services and options. Listening to their concerns and issues in order work to address them. Therefore, providing them with opportunities to better their family and correct their needs. Possible oppression. According to the course reading Latino Americans who try to ”Americanize”, have more psychological problems and drug use than those who retain their cultural ties (McGoldrick, P 230). Minorities that are discriminated against often engage in social ills, such as, drugs and alcohol abuse. Those who engaged are often second or third generation (McGoldrick, P 233). The Rosa’s may be treated indifferently and judged because of their skin color or accent. Mrs. Rosa may feel oppressed due to the feeling of losing control of her daughter. There are also limited cultural aware services that may cause the family to feel

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