Essay On Dracula

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Dracula is the son of Vlad Dracul, the ruler of Wallachia, which is now in present day Romania. His early education, up until the age of seven, was taught many disciplines by the boyar class, which was controlled by his father (Florescu, 1973). They highly educated him, by teaching him many different languages, history, politics, army tactics, and many more (Florescu, 1973). During this time, he was also involved in an apprenticeship for knighthood, which was something that was rather normal for princes of a kingdom at that time (Florescu, 1973). When he turned twelve, though, his father struck a deal with the Turks to earn their trust and respect, while also allowing the Turks to control Dracul, in which he turned over his sons, Dracula and Radu, to be held captive by the Turkish ruler (Florescu, …show more content…

Eventually, the brother, Radu, was released and allow an offer to sit at the sultan’s side, Dracula refused this offer, which resulted in him being tortured and his character to change from that of a normal young boy, into a diamond-like shell of emptiness (Florescu, 1973). Eventually though, he broke, and when he was told he was to be freed, he was offered a position in the army of the sultan, and took it without hesitation (Florescu, 1973). But during the time of this offer, Dracula’s father and brother were both tortured and killed by the kingdom they once ruled, a fact Dracula never learned until much later (Florescu, 1973). During his time a soldier, Dracula used the techniques he learned when being tortured to kill his enemies, the most used technique being impalement. His action led him to take over the throne of his father’s land of Wallachia after he killed the man that took over, Hunyady (Florescu, 1973). It was here that Dracula reined by use of impalement to ensure that his kingdom was fruitful and his people were the best they can

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