Essay On Clicker System

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Respond to the following for each of your PGEs: 1. Provide a context of the professional situation that indicates what need you are addressing. Prior to 2011, I used a multiple choice clicker system, exit slips, observations, or asking individual students to share their answers to formatively assess my students during class. The clicker system allowed me to ask only multiple choice questions which limited my assessment methods and what information I could gather. When using exit slips to formatively assess my students, I would often have to wait until the next day to address misconceptions, struggles, and learning gaps because it took time to grade them. Or my students would have to wait as I graded them during class which used valuable class …show more content…

These experiences include webinars, sessions at the state mathematics conference (include years), sessions at T3 International Conference (include years), and a 3 day intensive TI summer workshop. With the Navigator System, a wireless network connected with my students’ TI-Nspire CX handhelds, I have a variety of question types to use to assess my students. In addition to multiple choice questions, I create true/false, agree/disagree, open-ended questions, and a variety of specific mathematical type questions. Using pre-planned questions or spontaneous questions with a blank answer screen, I engage both shy and dominating students by requiring all students to respond. In addition the system allows me to monitor the progress of students by periodically viewing all students’ screens on my computer. This allows me to monitor students to determine who is on the right track, who is struggling, or who is not on task. I immediately see students’ errors allowing me to adapt my instruction; for students who are not on task or who made a small mistake, I send a message to them through the calculator or address them individually in class. When the majority of the class is struggling, I stop the class and interject with additional directions or examples. This allows me to assess all of my students during class providing specific, actionable, and immediate feedback. Consequently, I have observed that my students are more active in class activities increasing student

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