Essay On Canadian Penny

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Federal Government Article Summary

In May 2012 the Royal Canadian Mint stopped minting one-cent coins (pennies). The Canadian penny has been in circulation since Canada established its own currency in 1858. Canada is following the path of what several other countries such as Britain, France, Australia, Sweden and Spain did. They all got rid of their smallest unit of currency (even some countries such as Australia, Denmark and Sweden getting rid of several of their smallest coins). The reason for elimination for pennies is because it is a waste of money and time. The Canadian penny cost 1.6 cents to make for every penny. This obviously shows that making a penny means that you have to spend more money to make something of lesser value. By eliminating pennies Canada would save about $11 million dollars a year. Pennies also waste time for consumers, retailers and small businesses as making change to the nearest cent wastes time. Since pennies have very …show more content…

Although it will affect my little sister as she is in an elementary school, it won’t be much as she is in going to be in Grade 8 this fall (therefore the new curriculum only affects her for 1 year). Even after saying all of this, I still have an opinion on this “controversial” change that the Ontario government is trying make to the curriculum. I believe that we should teach things such as gender identity and sexual orientation a younger age as it is becoming a more accepted and prominent thing in our society. Young children should learn these things earlier as it will make it far easier to accept and respect these things. However I believe that things such as puberty, sex and STIs should be taught a bit later around Grade 6-8. This is because kid in Grade for are a bit more immature and won’t take things as serious as a Grade 7 student. I was taught these things around the same time and I had no problems with

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