Blindness Essay

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How to help the people who have the legally blind
The organ that makes humans see the beautiful world, which is only one pair in the body that is the eyes. If the eyes have visual loss or blindness, they are improbable to get better vision even with proper medical treatment. The serious visual impairment, also known as blindness. It can be caused by many causes, including injury and some illnesses, which may affect the eyes, optic nerves, or brain. Loss of vision is the early sign of blindness. The causes of blindness caused by many diseases and accidents. The blindness can be divided into two groups. The first group is the congenital disease such as cataract, genetic diseases, neurological disorder, glaucoma etc. The second group is acquired, …show more content…

The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) defines legal blindness as follows: The visual acuity of 20/200 or less in your better eye, which is correct the sight with the best eyeglasses and/or limitation of the visual field in the better eye greater than 20 degrees. The legal blindness can be classified into two types. The first type is complete blindness, which makes the patient cannot see everything or see all the dark. The second type is the partial blindness, which gives the patient limited visibility. Patients may see only shadows and cannot see the shape of things clearly.
Furthermore, living with invisible is not easy, the people who are legally blindness, they have a lot of limitations in their life. There are difficulties in work and living in society. They cannot drive and work in the career that requires the eyes be important. In some people who are acquired blind, they might still not accept their own status, feel sadness, fear, and cannot take care of themselves. Legally blind people have a hard time of life than normal eye people. They have a dangerous life because they cannot see …show more content…

The sound has influenced the lives of many blind people. It can help blind people identify the things around them. Actually, the ears of the blind people are not better than the normal eye people, but they use their ears to notice everything in everyday life rather than the normal eye people. The interesting thing is that the blind people can do echo sound. When the blind people want to know the location of the object near them, they make a sound by clapping their tongue or other skills and then listening to the sound waves that affect the object. Then it reflected back to the ear and brain to find that place. The blind also learns to use the nose to smell. For example, walking to different places, the specific smell of the place will help position and help to avoid getting lost. More than that, the blind people learn to touch for use in daily routines, such as buying clothes, vegetables, fruits, and products. They use their hand to distinguish the material from different shapes and

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