Essay On Binding Precedent

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The debate is whether the United States Supreme Court is truly bound to its previous court decisions in reference to horizontal precedent. According to the definition of binding precedent, a court must follow a decision that was previously made because it is law. Binding precedent includes judicial decisions that are heard in that court’s jurisdiction level or higher. Since the Supreme Court is the only court that can overrule a previous decision is it really bound to its decisions in regards to horizontal stare decisis? While there is evidence that indicates that the Supreme Court has viewed horizontal precedent as a non-mandatory judicial policy, the U.S. Supreme court is bound to its previous case decisions because it has recognized the …show more content…

Predictability aids not just the public, but lower courts as well. Stare decisis limits judges’ ability to decide on things in relation to established rules of law rather than allowing judges to decide on an impulse. Inconsistent application of law is biased because it infringes upon the fundamental principle that similar litigants should be treated likewise in our legal system. 2 Stare decisis permits society to presume that fundamental principles are founded in the law rather than an individual’s predilection on it. This contributes to the integrity of our constitutional system of government. The validity of the judiciary is further enhanced when judges are observed to be applying law rather than just resolving a set of facts without any constraint. Stare decisis is a policy that also directly aids the judicial court system because dependence on authority conserves limited judicial resources. As Justice Cardozo wrote, “The labor of judges would be increased almost to the breaking point if every past decision could be reopened in every case, and one could not lay one’s own course of bricks on the secure foundation of the courses laid by others who had gone before him.”3 An opposing argument to this would be

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