Essay On Bahamas

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Do you want to learn about animals, food, and the beaches in the Bahamas? The Bahamas has many different things that you can do while you are there. In the Bahamas there are many cool animals that you can see that we don’t have here, there is new kinds of food that you can try, and many beautiful beaches that you can visit.

There are lots of cool animals that you can find in the Bahamas. Most of the cooler animals found here are ocean animals that can be found in the coral reefs. These coral reefs attract many cool sea creatures (Pearson). Clownfish, eel, and grouper are some of the fish attracted to the coral reefs (Pearson. Many birds can also be found here. One of these birds is also the Bahamas state bird and it is the flamingo (Pearson). There is a park in the Bahamas for the different birds to stay safe and not become endangered. The park is called Iguana National Park and they hold 50,000 of these famous pink flamingos there (Pearson). Many rock iguanas are kept here so they don’t go extinct (BAHAMAS-ANIMALS). There are many other tropical birds that can be found in the park, like egrets and parrots (Pearson). This park is also the home of turtles and rare protected rock iguanas (Pearson). …show more content…

Their country’s national food is conch (McCoy). There are many interesting fruits found in the bahamas, like papayas, guavas, mangos, pineapples, and passion fruit (McCoy). Some of the seafoods that they eat in the Bahamas are grouper, rock lobster, bonefish, conch, mollusk, crab, and turtle (McCoy). These seafoods are prepared in many ways including fried, sauteed, and curried (McCoy). Johnny cakes are very popular in the Bahamas, they are like cornbread or pancakes and are served with many dishes (McCoy). Many places and people in the Bahamas combine peas and rice to create a popular dish called “Peas and Rice”

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