Essay On Anesthesia

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Anesthesia is a field that has seemingly been calling to me since I began to have an interest in medicine. This began with trips that my family would take to Pakistan every summer when I was in elementary through high school. It was a chance for me to get to know my extended family as a child born outside of that influence in the United States. As I grew older, I began to have more of an interest in medicine due to my lifelong fascination with the sciences. However, a particular event that occurred in Pakistan during one of my visits set my interest in medicine in motion and has now proven to be a valuable part of my decision to pursue the field of anesthesia.
I experienced the death of my grandmother first hand at the age of 11. When she went apneic my …show more content…

“I could have done something.” Over time that phrase would lead anesthesiology to the forefront of my choices for a specialty. Those words had such a powerful and long-lasting effect on me. It illustrates that this man felt he was truly in a place to intervene. It says so much about the abilities of an anesthesiologist. This is a person that can concentrate in a high stress situation where a person’s life is at stake. In my mind, this is the core of what makes a good physician. They have the knowledge to do what is necessary and they can call upon it quickly. In the past year, working in the OR as an anesthesia extern, I have been in such situations where such quick decision-making and confidence is a requirement. Whether it was a case with difficult airway management or an emergent laparotomy with a coding patient, I have been able to maintain composure and perform tasks given to me. I have also found these events to be the best teaching experiences and enjoy actively engage residents and staff, taking their collective knowledge and experiences and allowing them to mold me into a better learner and future

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