Essay On Alienation In Marxa

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A huge subject with Marx was alienation. Marx believed that money produces a situation where we alienate ourselves from one another. Before money was produced, the first way to trade goods was through bartering. Bartering was the original economic method for individuals to make direct exchanges with one another. Here the individual was the channel of exchange and the means of communication would be open between one another. The money now turns out to be that medium of exchange for merchandises and not the individual. With the individual no longer the medium of exchange, communication is no longer existent thus creating alienation between one another. This additionally makes a problem with an individual’s credit. Marx said that we now judge a man by how much he has within a bank, or how much he himself is of value. The individual has now become the medium of exchange, since society will judge him on his ability to pay his debt.
In the film Harlan County, USA we can see the way that Marx shows what he calls the bourgeoisie and the proletariat throughout the entire film. An organization called UMWA was formed to assist coalminers and families to have improved working environments, and to aid with benefits for the proletariats. The proletariats are for the UMWA, and the bourgeoisie are anti UMWA. The bourgeoisie were trying to create improved working environments difficult for the proletariats who were the coalminers, since the bourgeoisie were the only ones benefiting. They had nothing to be concerned about since they were the ones getting all the benefits from the coalminers. However, the proletariats are making only adequate benefits to keep a rooftop over themselves and they have no constancy for their families or jobs. Along with...

... middle of paper ... to continue to work for forty years before he can retire. The police officer in this scene discloses that he can retire earlier than forty years and with a better pension.
The most interesting feature of Kopple’s work is that she uses gender as a category of study in documenting the strike organization. The film focuses rather largely on women as active partakers and not just as wives or strike allies. Kopple uses a gendered study in that the miner’s wives are there forming as women and establishing a collective identity. At the same time, Harlan County, USA may paint a critical portrayal of the Appalachian women, but also dismisses various stereotypes linked to them. The group of women who took an active part in the strike turns out to be the film’s main focus due to they seemed to be the most main participants within the conflict and the drive for the cause.

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