Essay On Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting

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Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting I attended the Alcohol Anonymous (AA) twelve step meeting on Friday December fourth at 8:00 p.m. at the community center at Roxbury Park in Beverly Hills. The people were middle aged men and women of different ethnic backgrounds. The meeting started in an arranged fashion. I sat in the back and was addressed by an elderly man who wanted to know who I was to and I replied that I was a student writing a paper for school. He was fine with my answer and departed. The meeting started with people presenting themselves. First, there was an open conversation that started was with the storytelling of one member’s endeavors with alcoholism. After this heartwarming account, other people in the group provided how the …show more content…

They were very nice people and opened up a lot. I also did not think that an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting would have so many smart people who would be so prepared to take part in by adding in very personal statements about their own lives and about the lives of people close to them. I always thought that alcoholics would be unsuccessful people who did not have occupations but in the meeting, a great deal of the people did have jobs and they went to work and they were kind of victorious. There are many emotional requirements faced by taking part in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting or any twelve step program. First, unhappiness loves companionship so bringing together many miserable people makes each other feel better. People with the same dilemma can feel as if they are not lonely and that can give them power to make a modification in their lives maybe. Second, speaking about one’s difficulties is a great initial measure in resolving the issue. These twelve step meetings do a very good job of getting people talking about their sensations out loud to other people who comprehend. Third, these series of programs present some people a feeling of belonging. Having somewhere to go each night and to be a

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