Al-Anton Reflection

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Al-Anon Groups are intended for family members and friends of alcoholics, who come together to share their experience, strength and hope, with the goal helping one another overcome their common problems. Anyone who has a loved one who suffers from alcoholism of another is welcome to join in prospect to find a road to recovery. The Al-Anon group that I visited took place on Sunday, February 6, 2015 and from this meeting I have gained tremendous insight regarding a wonderful group of people who share the common thread of dealing with a loved one’s addiction. This group was comprised of the most unassuming regular individuals who presented themselves appropriately and led normal lives with the ages ranging through the decades. Each person …show more content…

The member spoke of the incredible impact the addiction had on them and in ways that were unexpected. The member spoke of its current lasting impact on how it affects her current role as a mother. Due to her difficult childhood with alcoholic parents, she now finds parenting to be a struggle due to her need for perfection. In other words, her parent’s alcoholism has manifested itself in her as an obsession with being perfect. Perhaps because of their imperfect parenting she is now overcompensating and trying for perfection in the most extreme sense. Because she feels inadequate and beats herself up over the most minor hiccups, she struggles with daily duties. In example, if she does not provide a perfectly nutritious meal for her children at every meal, she feels incredibly derisory and dwells on her “failure”. She feels that her insecurities are all due to the fact that her parents were insufficient, and did not fulfill her needs while growing up. She therefore is incredibly fearful of repeating the actions of them. However, with the help of Al-Anon she is seeking help to focus on herself and not the alcoholism in her past. She identified and recognized the alcoholics in her life as the reason for her obsession but did not regard them with anger, more

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