Essay Comparing The Raven And The Masque Of The Red Death

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Alcoholism, losing loved ones, and deadly diseases are connections to the remarkable writer Edgar Allan Poe’s sorrow-filled life, that are reflected in his works “The Raven” and “The Masque of the Red death.” In “The Raven” a downcast, dispirited man is mourning the loss of his deceased wife Lenore, when a raven swoops in and repeats the word “nevermore.” The Raven haunts the narrator with reminders of his lost love, and taunts his already broken sanity. After becoming overwhelmed with frustration he yearns to drink his troubles away, as Poe did when he had heartbreak in his grievous life. The narrator pleads to have his pain subsided with “Some kind Nepenthe” and asks God to “[Send] [him] respite… From [his] memories of Lenore” (Raven 82,83). Poe incorporating alcoholism into the poem demonstrates a clear connection to his own struggle of using …show more content…

Also, the narrator begging for a drug to forget Lenore strongly illustrates to the reader what an extreme amount of sorrow he is feeling. The narrator’s remarks to the bird contain many other connections to Poe’s melancholy life. The Raven continues to speak the word “nevermore” giving the narrator a sense that it means something important. A variety of intriguing comments from the bird sparks a curiosity in him and he begins to feel sad that “On the morrow he will leave [him]” and remembers that “Other friends have flown before” (Raven 58, 59). This refers to the many loved ones Poe lost in his life such as his birth mother and foster mother. “The Masque of the Red Death,” also holds many clear connections to Poe’s remorseful life. A deathly disease known as the ”Red Death” hits a town that causes many to die and the lucky rich to lock themselves in a castle as a safe haven. Poe writes that the Red Death has “long devastated the country,” and mentions a symptom to be, “profuse bleeding at the pores” ( Masque 1, 3). Tuberculosis is a disease that causes people to excessively bleed as the Red Death does in the

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