Essay Comparing Macbeth And La Belle Dame Sans Merci

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Similarities and Differences between Macbeth and La Belle Dame Sans Merci In many different novels, evil is represented through a person. From the malicious deeds of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, to the manipulative nature of Fahrenheit 451’s Captain Beatty, evil commonly lies in a person’s soul. The most wicked of these characters include Lady Macbeth from Shakespeare’s drama, Macbeth and Keats’ “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” from his ballad bearing the same name. At first glance, both texts seems to have little to no similarities and numerous differences, however, a closer look shows that Shakespeare and Keats use similar techniques and strategies to prove the theme and create motifs. One way the two authors use similar techniques is how they develop and prove the theme of what is …show more content…

In Macbeth, the theme is proved through the use of mostly the antagonist’s perspective. As Macbeth is explaining to Lady Macbeth about the coming arrival of Duncan, she exclaims how Duncan will soon die and how he must,” Look like th’innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t” (1.6.65-66). Lady Macbeth tells how they must be welcoming, yet evil in order to complete their goal and keep suspicion away. Here, the reader is getting the objective perspective of Lady Macbeth and with it, is learning more about how Lady Macbeth thinks during that moment. The reader sees the story through a third-person objective point of view (). In this scene the speaker describes his first impressions of La Belle Dame, “I met a lady in the meads, Full beautiful—a faery’s child,” (13-14). In this quote the speaker describes his experience, which is presented in the first-person perspective. Through this, we get a more subjective view on the story rather than the objective view we are given throughout Macbeth. The two texts make use of different perspectives in order to project the theme of what is fair is foul, and what is foul is

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