Essay Arguments Against Ratifying The Constitution

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The U.S Constitution is recognized as a document that secures basic rights for citizens and structures the American national government. Before the Constitution, the states had all the power and the national government was very weak. Therefore, the creation of the Constitution was necessary to grant the national government power. Even though, the Constitution was signed in 1787, there was still debate in that the Constitution gave the national government too much power. Some of the individuals whom opposed the Constitution where Patrick Henry and George Mason. Patrick Henry became the leader of the opponents, because of his strong legal and rhetoric skills. On the other hand, George Mason was a patriot during the American Revolution, whom believed in the inalienable rights of the people. These two man were important figures that argued the dangers ratifying the Constitution would bring and that the Constitution would give too much power to the national government. …show more content…

The article “Arguments against Ratification at the Virginia Convention” (1788) was written in a time where the states were debating if the states should ratify the constitution. The U.S. Constitution went through a period of being drafted and proposed in 1787 to being ratified in 1789. During this period, there was a strong debate on the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. During these conventions, there where group of people who were in favor of the Constitution and believed that the Constitution was necessary because the Articles of Confederation was too weak. On the other hand, there was a group of people who opposed the Constitution and wanted to continue with the Articles of Confederation. For that reason, modifications to the Constitution had to be made so that the people would accept the ratification of the

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