Essay About Moving Away

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“ So do you know where you will be staying?” Ha. About that. There is something unbelievably scary about admitting to yourself, let alone others that you technically are going to another country with no place to stay. That's right, I had no permanent place to live once I hit Ireland. I tried looking for accommodation months in advance but it did very little good because most owners want to lease as soon as possible. It also wasn't wise to conduct any type of financial transfer without seeing the flat or meeting the owner. With all of that taken into consideration, I was forced to wait until I actually arrived into the city to find permanent accommodation. Let me just explain how much of an idiot I was. I knew I would be waiting to find …show more content…

I knew that but I guess it just didn't register with me. Anyways, my visa finally came in at the beginning of January and I figured that was plenty of time to book a hostel. Ordinarily, it would have been but it was my bright idea to fly into Dublin two days before St. Patrick's day. If you haven't smelled what I am stepping in already, let me waft it your way. Being in Ireland on St. Patrick's day is like being in NOLA for Mardi Gras, it's epic. Hundreds of thousands of tourists and natives flock to Dublin just to attend the parade (This year it was around 510,000). Almost every hostel I looked at was either unavailable or unreasonably high to be sharing with seven strangers. Hotels were booked to their maximum as well or higher than I was willing to spend. I was becoming increasingly worrisome until I ran upon this hotel that I could stay in. I had to spend $158 for two days but I figured that was pretty standard in the US. I then combed through hostelworld, looking for someplace to take me in for about a week. I ran across a hostel that jumped from 89€ to 17€ in a span of three days. I was really left with no choice but to book that as well. I stayed in the hotel for 16th and 17th of March and was scheduled to

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