Essay About Killing In Macbeth

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The urge to kill is often heightened once a person commits murder. Killing has dramatizing and damaging physical and psychological effects on one’s ambition. The adrenaline rush you get during a homicide is why people become serial killers. Once the feeling is awoken in a human after a kill, it is hard for them to stop. Once this action is committed the urge to stop is undescribable. The Shakespearean play, Macbeth illustrates how the most innocent man can become a killer. The play Macbeth takes place in Scotland circa 1606. It focuses on feudal Lord, Macbeth who risks everything for power. Macbeth a once good- hearted, innocent man becomes an aggressive serial killer obsessed with superiority to all. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is told the prophecy of his future. This consists of every mans dream- becoming king. To fulfill this prophecy the then king would have to be dead, so he has to make a choice. Should Macbeth kill the king, or wait it out and become king in the right honest way? In the end he decides to kill his king, King Duncan, which awakes his inner-serial killer. There is a controversy about what influenced him? Many believe it was his wife Lady Macbeth, who questions his manhood until he agrees. Other wonder if the witches, who introduced to the prophecy to him in the first place. Many question what urged him to kill? Was it …show more content…

It relates to similarly to “if someone told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?” Just because someone is pressuring another person to do something does not ever mean they have to do it. Like every human, Macbeth most likely knew this, but he still allowed his wife to affect his decision. Lady Macbeth aggressively tries to talk some sense into her husband. It is said she is most status and power hungry. She informs him on the possibility it could open for them. She also calls him a coward and questions his manhood. She

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