Essay 1

562 Words2 Pages

Every time I see the vibrant red and white logo of the global soft drink giant Coca-Cola, I immediately think of two things, people smiling and happiness. The main reason I think of these things is because of the branding I see every day that is done by this company in the United States. With the simple catch phrase of “enjoy” it is hard not to smile after taking a sip of the refreshing soda. As this soda and brand are linked to providing happiness all over the world it especially hit a home run with one of its latest campaign entitled “Hello Happiness.”
The Hello Happiness campaign was a month-long campaign that touched many countries in the Middle East like Dubai, Singapore, and Bangladesh. These three countries and the campaign showed and demonstrated great examples of both homogeneity and heterogeneity in a global society. The most notable campaign out of the three was in Dubai, where Coca-Cola installed phone booths in labor camps across Dubai that allowed low paid foreign workers to make international calls to their relatives or loved ones. These workers travel cross country t...

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