Escapism In Romeo And Juliet

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An anecdote of a forbidden love, family strife, and doomed fate. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet tells the story of a newly birthed love, the deaths of lifelong rivals, and the shades of gray in between a black and white family feud. The play, written by William Shakespeare, is composed of five acts, including an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Within five acts, Shakespeare managed to produce one of the most known “love” stories in history. Although, the story has created many opinionated arguments over the years, whether or not Romeo and Juliet’s journey was really true love, or just a tale of two teenagers who grew up too fast. Many people are suggesting that Romeo and Juliet never really fell in love, …show more content…

. In Act 3, Scene 5, Juliet refuses to marry Paris, and Capulet calls her ungrateful. He calls Juliet a “mistress minion”, which according to No Fear Shakespeare, translates to “spoiled little girl”. And although Juliet was easily the wisest character in the play, she was still a teenager, and teenagers tend to make foolish choices when they’re frustrated and upset. So, many, including myself, have chosen to believe that Juliet might’ve liked Romeo a little, but she exaggerated her desires for him as an act of defiance against her parents and Paris. As for Romeo, he couldn’t have been entirely mature, for he was able to switch from Rosaline to Juliet within the matter of minutes. Just minutes before he met Juliet, he was still in love with Rosaline. Many are wondering if Romeo would have acted differently when he saw Juliet if Rosaline had accepted him. Would he still have thought Juliet was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, or would he have seen her as just another kid? In the text, the Friar says to Romeo “Young men’s hearts then lies, not in their hearts, but in their eyes.” Friar believes Romeo isn’t really in love with Juliet, and he is falling head-over-heels with her looks, instead of her heart. Thus, Romeo’s decisions aren’t really influenced by any other characters, but his decisions are made with desire and

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