Erin Hunter

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If you like dogs, cats, or bears and reading, you’ve probably heard of Erin Hunter. Maybe you haven’t heard of her, but she wrote the popular Warriors series, Seekers, Survivors, and Bravelands. Something important to know about Erin Hunter is that she does not exist. She is a pseudonym, or a fictitious name that is used by authors. It is also known as a pen name. Erin Hunter is a group of six writers, Victoria Holmes, Cherith Baldry, Kate Cary, Tui Sutherland, Gillian Philip, Inbali Iserles, and Rosie Best. Consequently, Erin Hunter has a lot of birthdays. They are January 21, 1947 (Cherith Baldry), 1964 (Gillian Philip), November 4, 1968 (Kate Cary), July 17, 1975 (Victoria Holmes), July 31, 1978 (Tui Sutherland), and July 28 (Inbali Iserles). These six people write many books in one year. They achieve this because Victoria Holmes comes up with an idea for the story, everybody else writes the books based on the idea. After the books are finished, Victoria Holmes edits them to make sure that they sound like “Erin” throughout. …show more content…

To sum up, Warriors is about cats that live in different clans. Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui Sutherland wrote the Warriors books, and were then edited by Victoria Holmes. The first book was written in 2003 and was called, “Into the Wild.” Warriors was created when HarperCollins asked Victoria Holmes to write a fantasy series about feral cats. There are many different series of Warriors, such as the first Warriors series, The New Prophecy, Power of Three, Field Guide, Super Edition, Omen of the Stars, Dawn of the Clans, The Prophecies Begin, A Vision of Shadows, many short stories, and numerous graphic novels. As can be seen, this is a lot of books, they were all written in 2003-2018. In fact, Erin Hunter is still writing Warriors books and doesn’t plan to

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