Epic Hero Research Paper

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Heroes of today's world come from all different places. Heroes are firefighters, police officers, and doctors. They can also be as simple as a teacher, a neighbor, or even another student who cares. You never know where a hero may emerge. In Ancient Greek mythology simple heroes strive to become epic heroes. Three examples of epic heroes are Perseus, Theseus, and Hercules, all from Edith Hamilton's Mythology. To become an epic hero Perseus, with supernatural help, kills the mighty Gorgon, Medusa. Theseus is able to clear the country of bandits and survive the mighty minotaur as a young boy. Hercules's accomplishments are too many to count but his strength puts him above all heroes. Perseus receives supernatural help, Theseus displays the trait of kairos, while Hercules displays the trait of immense strength.
The epic hero, Perseus, displays the trait of receiving supernatural help. Perseus realizes if he's going to kill Medusa, he's going to need the right tools. While searching, he meets with the god Hermes who says to him he, “. . . would give him a sword to attack medusa with . . .” (Hamilton 202). The scales of a gorgon are …show more content…

One major example of this inconceivable strength is displayed as Hercules is on his way to gather the apples of Hesperides. The only problem is that he does not know where they are, so he travels to the Titan Atlas. Here Hercules requests that Atlas go retrieve the apples and in return “He [offers] to take upon himself the burden of the sky. . .” (Hamilton 233). Hercules proves that he is an epic hero by accomplishing the impossible task of holding the world on his shoulder. By doing this he proves that he is as strong as any god. Hercules’ unbelievable strength gives him a place among all heros that no one can reach. His strength allowed him to accomplish amazing tasks that led to a statistic that says nothing on earth could defeat

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