Enron Leadership Dilemma Analysis

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The general public in today’s society only see’s the outside appearance of the world’s big companies instead of looking at the inner exterior of all corporations. For example Enron a United States exchange Corporation collapses in 2001. The energy exchange company went into bankruptcy after being established since 1999, the company’s executive selected an accountant that in the end dishonestly inflated Enron’s profits. Many leaders inside on Enron’s corporation were stealing large amounts of money over a period of time. This dilemma was seen as a bad performance of an unstable business corporation. The dilemma shows that although there are leading people in all corporations most leaders cannot be trusted with big responsibilities. Choosing this real life scandal educates me in what is happening in my major of business and it also opens my eyes to what essentially can happen in big corporations like Enron. Pondering on this dilemma allows me to bring up a different approach. Asking why those leaders weren’t caught in the beginning? In a small business like a sporting store or grocery store thefts are caught at hand and penalized for their wrong doings. This turns into a leadership dilemma we are faced with the questions of, what those leaders of Enron believed to be right and wrong or in their heads what was right and right. Robbery, theft, and dishonesty in places of business are all brought up in different contexts in the Bible. Theft is not only a sin but it can over take the heart and make a person have immoral views “For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, lying and slander.” (Matt 15:19) The Ten Commandments states do not steal, if the leaders of Enron new God and had a relationsh... ... middle of paper ... .... A code of ethics and a moral code is important because it sets values that hold up the standers that the certain company is expecting from their employees, or values that a person is expecting from someone else. I believe that having applied ethics as a focus in life is a major priority, applied ethics easily tells us what’s right and wrong. Everyone person goes through a phase in life when they learn the word no and yes, this is an example of applied ethics. Knowing yes this is the right choice and no I should turn away from this is very important. Applied ethics are given to every person through the process of growing up and learning right and wrong. A personal moral philosophy doesn’t have to be changed, you have been given a foundation as a young person and it is up to you on rather you would want to change it or keep the principles that you already know.

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