English As A Common Language

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Language is a force that binds the world together, allowing for the spread of information and communication to surpass all boundaries. According to Susannah MacKaye, the head of a language rights-group with a masters degree in linguistics from Stanford University, language creates a common bond and establishes a common ethnicity (137). Language exists as a unifying source for diverse cultures and composing the American heritage. “Vanishing Voices” by Russ Rymer describes the loss of languages, a direct consequence of the domination by English, the official language of numerous states. The official language has significance in determining an everyday part of life and an impact on the preservation of an entire people’s culture, as it is used …show more content…

Proposition 63 in California, passed in 1986, is the law that establishes English as the official language (MacKaye 136). Within the document it ensures to “preserve the role of English as the state 's common language” and to allow for the “passing (of) laws which diminish or ignore the role of English as the state 's common language”. After a court case challenging the law, the United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit, the largest appellate court, proclaimed the law was largely “symbolic”. While this possibly reduced the effect of the law, the law can and is still used to support English speakers. According to Jonathan Pool, who studies panlingual lexocology, the structure of all languages, and has written numerous other works in the American Political Science Review journal, an English official language may diminish the welfare of non-English speakers and as a result give English a “positive adoptive price” as “time, effort, and money” (499) of learning the official language are required. Consequently, if the official language is not learned, there is a loss of prestige, difficulty in communication, and costs for translation. Linguistic privileges exist, and people who speak the official languages have positive, tangible benefits both legally and

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