Ender's Game Theme Analysis

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Most books have multiple themes that teach the reader something. One example of multiple themes is in the book Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. In Ender’s Game Ender deals with a lot of internal problems which Card uses to show the themes of the novel. The main themes throughout the novel that Card shows through Ender are loss of innocence, empathy, power, survival, and love. All of chapter 13 is an example of loss of innocence as Valentine knows that Ender is no longer a child. A quote of loss of innocence is,”She reached out and touched his leg. Then, suddenly, she squeezed his knee, right where he had always been most ticklish. But almost at the same moment, he caught her wrist in his hand. His grip was very strong, even though his hands …show more content…

Ender’s even tells this to Valentine in the quote,”No, you don’t understand. I destroy them. I make it impossible for them to ever hurt me again. I grind them and grind them until they don’t exist.”(Card, 238) It can be seen from the quote that Ender knows that when he hurts someone he destroys them and is now feeling empathy for everyone he has destroyed. Ender feels horrible because of what he did to Bonzo and is feeling empathy. The next theme is power which can be seen in Peter and Ender. We can see from the start of the novel that Peter wants power and that Ender wants nothing to with power. Valentine in Chapter 13 tries to convince Ender to continue his studies by telling him about power. After Valentine tells him about having power Ender tells her,”But suppose you do it. Suppose you beat the buggers and your name is known the way Mazer Rackham’s name known. Let somebody else be famous. Peter wants to be famous. Let him save the world.”(Card, 240) Ender doesn’t want power or to be famous, all Ender wants is to be normal. Ender is trying to stay out of power and Ender is also afraid of his power that he does have. Ender knows he can destroy anyone and doesn’t want to mess up. Card shows survival through Ender throughout the whole novel. All throughout the novel Ender shows the understanding of survival through Ender’s fights. Ender destroys his enemies in order to win all the fights which is survival. Ender knows that in

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