End Of Life Care Ethical Issues

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End of Life Care AKA Hospice Care Melissa M. Southern Rhodes State College BHS 1160: Medical Law & Ethics Ms. Dawn Bell Due Date End of Life Care AKA Hospice Care ABSTRACT I will be discussing the topic of End-of-Life Care/Hospice. I will be discussing the moral and ethical issues of this topic. What are the reasons for hospice care? What does it entail? What are the moral and ethical issues of this subject? What are the standards that end-of-life care/hospice is held to? I will be talking about the history, the challenges in the decision- making processes, the roles we as healthcare professionals play and the role the patients play in end-of-life care. The goal of hospice is to keep the dignity of the patient at the forefront, to maintain …show more content…

The hospice team will address these symptoms for the patient so they can have a better quality of life. The last area is religious and existential beliefs. The symptoms can include religious or non-religious beliefs such as the nature of existence and the possibility of afterlife concerns. These areas of hospice care are not commonly addressed in other specialties. There are many more areas such as compassion, dignity and support for the patient and family that are vital to hospice care. Ethical and Moral Issues for Hospice Care Team As part of the hospice care team, your morals and values may conflict with the wishes of a patient or even the family over their decision making. Hospice workers that have a good understanding and know what will or could happen during the death process can learn how to deal with the conflict. You should also learn ways to cope and work through the feelings and ethical issues you experience while doing your job. The hospice care team should have a good grasp of the ethical standards of care. The 4 standard principles of ethical care and decision making of patients are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and

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