Emperor Wu Research Paper

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ID 1: Emperor Wu
Emperor Wu came to the throne in 141 B.C.E. when he was 16. Politically, Emperor Wu weakened the local forces which had grown incredibly in mid-Western Han period and enhanced his centralized system of government. Militarily, under Emperor Wu’s leadership, Chinese army defeated Xiongnu at the northern border and the power of the Western Han dynasty was consolidated. Ideologically, Emperor Wu promoted Confucianism as the main intellectual school and achieved the unity in people’s thinking. Internationally, he sent ambassadors to western regions and promoted the communication between China and other countries. Also, the territory of China was expanded significantly during his reign. Emperor Wu is one of the most outstanding …show more content…

In 372C.E., Buddhism was introduced to the most developed kingdom-Koguryo and then it was introduced to Paekeche in 384 C.E., and the less developed kingdom Silla in the 6th century. Buddhism was supported by emperors of the Three Kingdoms and many temples were built since Buddhism was introduced. Also, emperors allowed commoners to go to temples and become monks. Also, a lot of Buddhism scholars were sent to China to study Buddhism. One of the most well known monk is Wongwang. In order to give some advices to people who don’t know much about Buddhism, he created the “Five Commandments for Laymen” (“Wongwang Goes to China for Study”, P45). In the commandments, he said kings should be served loyally. Parents should be attended with filial piety. Friends should be treated with sincerity. People shouldn’t run away from the battlefield. Also, people should think carefully before they take others’ lives. In his five commandments, he combined the ideas of Confucianism and Buddhism. Furthermore, his commandments played an important role in teaching and encouraging people to be loyal and brave when the country is facing dangers. Because Silla was troubled by frequent border raid from Koguryo and Paekeche during that time. So Buddhism was considered as the national religion and a doctrine for the protection of the

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