Emotional Disturbances: Socially Paladjusted Students

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Emotional disturbance is a disorder that most have a difficult time understanding and defining. Some people, especially students, that display signs of EBD are not taken seriously and this can cause a delay in their academics. Emotional disturbance is a condition that you cannot physically see. Emotional disturbance is defined as, “The intensity and duration of a behavior – and not the kind of behavior” (PowerPoint). It usually depends on how long it will take for someone to react after a situation occurs. Emotional and behavioral disorders are difficult to understand because they are either externalized (their behavior is disturbing others) or internalized (they are showing signs of emotional distress) and is something that is not seen as drastically as someone with polio, …show more content…

Emotional disturbance does not apply to children who are socially maladjusted unless they are showing signs of any serious emotional disturbance. Socially maladjusted students are not a part of the special education program in schools unless they show signs of a serious emotional disturbance. This is different than EBD because children can be in a special education classroom and have academic interventions through RTI. Students who are socially maladjusted have a pattern of the acceptable behavior and values that are placed throughout society. They will continuously display an antisocial behavior pattern and will show no signs of guilt or remorse. They miss school and do not participate because of their choice, whereas, someone with EBD has no choice. Students with EBD are struggling with more issues that are setting them back socially, academically, and emotionally. The main difference between social maladjustment and emotional disturbance is the fact that one student has a choice to change their life around, and the other is constantly struggling with being socially, emotionally and academically acceptable for

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