Emotional Baggage Carried In The Things They Carried

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Extra Baggage
The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien is a novel about a platoon stationed in Vietnam between 1955 to 1975. O’Brien uses his novel to tell his war stories and the war stories of the men he fought with. The novel hold true to it’s title as it repeatedly talks about the baggage carried by the men. Although O’Brien does go into detail of what the men trucked along the trails of Vietnam with them, the physical baggage is not the main focus of the story. The emotional baggage carried by the men makes the novel. The stories range from O’Brien’s life before the war to adapting to war, to life after war, and many more. There is a wide range of stories, but each one of them help create a connection to the author and other characters. When O’Brien was asked during an interview about the meaning of his novel he answered “...I 've never thought of it, really, that way in my heart. Even when I was writing it, it seemed to be a book about storytelling and the burdens we all accumulate through our lives…”(par. 23). NEAL, C. (n.d). 'The Things They Carried, ' 20 Years On. Talk Of The Nation (NPR)
In the beginning of the novel O’Brien talks about all the different objects carried by the men in his platoon. The objects range from person to person. The medic, Rat Kiley, carried medical supplies of …show more content…

In the beginning of the novel the main emotional focus is on Jimmy Cross and his feelings for Martha. One day while the boys were checking a tunnel for VC’s, Cross was busy daydreaming about Martha and wasn’t focused on his troop. Lavender was walking back from going to the bathroom and got shot. Point blank in the back of the head. Although it’s a war and people are bound to die, Cross blamed himself and his love for Martha for Lavender’s death. “We paused over a snapshot of Ted Lavender, and after a while Jimmy rubbed his eyes and said he’d never forgive himself for Lavender 's

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