Emma Donahue's Room Research Paper

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Emma Donahue's Room: the negative effects of isolation Involuntary confinement often eliminates an individual’s ability to live with dignity within society, leaving them distressed and lonely. Freedom after isolation can feel bittersweet: victims are enthralled to escape, but are left with many adaptations and new challenges to face. In Emma Donahue's heart wrenching novel, Room the main characters battle with their journeys towards self-discovery after several years of confinement. The main character, Ma, is kidnapped at the age of eighteen and lives in an eleven foot by eleven foot room for seven years, finding the will to go on and care for her son, Jack. Five-year-old Jack, born in the room, knows nothing about the outside world. Both Ma …show more content…

"I drove myself crazy looking at my watch and counting the seconds . . . . I left it on (TV) twenty-four seven . . . (watching) commercials for food I remembered, my mouth hurt wanting it all" (94). Ma is not only burdened with loneliness but she is also burdened with the knowledge of the outside and, the advantages to living within society. Ma conceives Jack with Nick, the man whom kidnapped her, and is solely responsible for raising their son. Ma begins to create routines in order to keep Jack and herself busy. "We have thousands of things to do every morning, like give Plant a cup of water . . .” (8). It is easy for them to cope with the tragedy they are enduring by occupying themselves, rather than ruminating on their poor way of living. Ma can be exceptionally brave but, still relies on Jack to remain in control. When Nick cuts of their electricity, Ma formulates an escape plan, utilizing Jacks creative ideas in order to inspire and motivate her. "She looks all fierce at the bananas’. Coli? Would that give you a fever?' Ma is not meant to ask me these things, she's meant to know" (107). Since Jack is imaginative and, is also oblivious to their catastrophic situation, it is easy for him to think clearly and come up with solutions. Ma requires Jack's company as strength to attempt the

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