Emily Bronte Research Paper

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Emily Bronte Emily Bronte was a very shy and peculiar girl, who found comfort in her books, poems, and family. Called a romanticism writer. The settings, plot, and characters that she writes about, resemble Emily’s life.Even tho Emily’s life was hard,she still took what she had and made it work for her. Emily Bronte was born in Thornton, July 30,1818. The daughter of Patrick Bronte and Maria Branwell. The fifth child born out of six. Both parents showed interest in literature. Patrick Bronte being a reverend wrote The Cottage in the Wood. A religious and spiritual tale about sunday school, church, and sin. Maria wrote an unpublished piece of work called The Advantages of Poverty, in Religious Concerns. Explaining how it is very important to care for the poor. Emily grew up watching her father write sermons, articles, fictional stories, and poetry. The Bronte children lived in a very strange and unhappy home. After the death of their mother on September 15, 1821 from cancer, their father became a withdrawn man. The only focus he …show more content…

Women started to fight for equality in 1787. The issue was women not being able to vote or have a say so in the matters of this country. Women believed that they were treated like slaves to men then equal in the social classes. What it meant to be a man was to have social power in both their private and public life. To be educated, men had the right to go to college. To contribute to the community, their labors made their social status in the community. To participate in the government, men could serve as public officials. To own property, men inherited or bought land more than women. Finally, to maintain a family, they were to adequately provide for the family, and control their behaviors. The men assisted their wives on how and what the children should be taught. The man represent the house of the family and the women were the help

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