Emilia's Monologue

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Emilia's POV "Emilia, you better be dressed in thirty minutes when we leave" That's my mother yelling at me to get ready for tonight, see it's sort of a big night for my father and his best friend Dan, they started there own law firm together and now they're one of the best law firms in town right now and now they rented a fancy restaurant for tonight and their employees to celebrate. I took a shower after I hit the gym this morning, and after that I spent all day doing my honor's project so I didn't need another shower. I went to my closet and found the dress my mother bought me for this occasion, I always hated going to these events for my parents I'm …show more content…

See I hate crowded places and I also hate when I am supposed to mingle with people I barely know. I decided since my father and Daniel are paying the bill for everyone dinner that I would order my food early. While I was looking at the menu I heard someone sit in the chair at the table and looked up to see who it was. " Sawyer, I am so happy you finally join the party more than thirty minutes late." He just gave me his smirk that he gives to all the girls at school, "Sorry Mila I was over at Dana's house and I didn't want to disappoint her." I just went back to looking over the menu and decided I would just get steak and a bake potato, I handed the menu over to Sawyer since we only have one at the table. " Mila, I don't get why you hate these events so much and they make you all irritated." Since he put it like that I'm not mad at him or the event, it's more like he get's to come to these events late or doesn't even have to sometimes. " Ok, I'll make a deal with you Mila, after dinner, I will convince your parents to let me take you out to the ice cream parlor that you like and that will make you" That did make me happy " Ok, sawyer right after dinner you promise and you have even pinky promise it to me" I stuck my pinky out " Mila, were not four anymore, we can just shake on it." I smiled " Then if that's

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