Ember In The Ashes Dualism

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An Ember in the Ashes, written by Sabaa Tahir, is the first book in an up and coming dystopian series that follows the lives of two unlikely heroes who live in a cruel Empirical world. Laia is a simple lower class girl who loses what little family she has after her grandparents are killed and her brother is arrested. Elias is the finest student in a school that is training its students to become lethal killers, though he does not wish to take the same path as his comrades. Fate forces them together in an epic tale of bravery, betrayal and love that will change the face of the Empire forever. To carry out this tale, Tahir uses a mix of dualism and man versing his own inner demons to show how freedom comes when you take it, for both the soldier and the slave. …show more content…

Every chapter the author switches between the two, emphasizing their jointed personalities. How they react to each other is also changed by the circumstances they find themselves in. When they first meet, Elias is wearing the mask that marks him as a soldier and, as such, Laia instinctively distrusts him (128). Later they meet when Elias’s mask is off and Laia, not recognizing him without it, naturally trusts him (264-270). Meanwhile, from Elias’s point of view, Laia is a servant with a horrible master and is in need of help (129).However, he later finds out that she is a resistance spy who is determined to find her brother (440). Meanwhile they worth shine out as embers in the society made of ashes. Laia discovers that the resistance is crumbling from within and its leader is telling lies and making sacrifices (403). Elias shines out even more as he refuses to be the ruthless murderer that his society demands that he should be

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