Elvis Presley's Impact on Popular Music in the USA

1954 Words4 Pages

Elvis Presley's Impact on Popular Music in the USA

Source A is from an article in "Billboard" magazine. This magazine is

written for teenagers, who are Elvis' biggest fans, so a reader could

predict that it would be a positive article with no negative comments

about Elvis to try and sell itself to the teenage readers.

The headline of the article "Presley hot as a $1 pistol" shows that

Elvis is really popular, and many people want to buy his records. It

continues to say "Presley has six hit singles" which tells the reader

that he must have been very successful as he was only signed up in

1955, and the article was written less than a year later in March

1956. This makes clear to the reader that Elvis has had quite a

dramatic rise to stardom as it shows he has become a famous icon in a

very short space of time.

Even if people were not fans of Elvis and so did not buy his music,

they would still hear his songs constantly because his music was so

popular. Many people saw him as someone who was sure to succeed so

there were positive attitudes towards him from an early stage.

Near the end of the article, Elvis is said to be "the label's number

two best seller, right behind Perry Cosmo". This demonstrates further

how Elvis is almost or just as popular as an already well-established

star at this time, a very positive comment for Elvis' fans to read.

The whole article is written in this way and praises both Elvis and

his music.

Q.2. Study Sources B, C and D.

Do Sources C and D support the evidence of Source B about the impact

of Elvis Presley? (8 marks)

Sources C and D do support the evidence of Source B to a certain

extent. Although source B has a very negative attitude and source D

appears to be very positive, while source C does not pass judgement,

they all agree that his music has had a big impact, whether good or

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