Eliminating The Penny Essay

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The one-cent coin, more commonly known as the “Penny”, was made a legal form of money in 1864. The penny has been used as a form of payment for centuries. It is now 2018 and time for a change as the use of the one cent coin has declined. We should eliminate the penny. In doing so we can support charities, adjust the american pricing system and eliminate production costs. Pennies are too expensive compared to their actual value.
Eliminating the penny requires a plan to dispose of the physical coin. This plan would include a way to collect the coins. This means people would need to be motivated to hand over their pennies. A positive impact could be made if Americans chose to donate the coins to various charities. The charities would take the pennies to banks to be cashed out. This would give tons of cash to the charities and a pile of valuable metal to the banks (source #1). In turn, the banks would have the coins melted down and earn the value of the metal which is higher …show more content…

Specifically it is how we use the coined phrase such as: “a penny for your thought” and “not one red cent”(source #4). The argument continues that pennies are still around today because they have been around for over 200 years and tradition is important . Even though they are over 200 years old they are no longer useful. In fact, they are rarely used for trading, they tend to be used for collecting. It is common for people to store pennies in a jar. Once the jar is full they deposit it at the bank (source #1). Another argument against eliminating the pennies is a fear businesses might round up instead of rounding down when they adjust prices to remove the penny. This could cost Americans additional money each year (source #1). However, as much as the rounding could potentially cost, the penny is already costing Americans over $60.2 million a

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