El Salvador Persuasive Speech

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Imagine being pregnant and for reasons out of your control you lose the baby and instead of having time to grieve you are faced with murder charges. This may sound crazy to some because it did to me but in El Salvador this is a reality that many women face. Abortion laws are strict and unyielding no matter the circumstances. In the U.S abortions are legal but women still face obstacles so this isn’t only an issue for women in El Salvador it is also an important topic that we should be talking about here in the U.S. In this speech I will be talking about the abortion laws in El Salvador, why they should be changed and how people can help make that happen. The abortion laws in El Salvador have been set since 1998 and the ban states that abortions …show more content…

There is no discussion of the harsh laws in media and no strong advocates for women’s rights in general. There has been some support for changing the abortion laws in El Salvador. For Example with the case of Beatriz who was 22 years old and had lupus and kidney failure when she became pregnant. Doctors told her that the best thing to do was to abort the baby because the pregnancy was killing her and the doctors told her the baby had developmental issues that would make the babies chances of survival very low. She asked the Supreme Court to allow her to have a “medically necessary abortion” (The Case Of Beatriz: An Outcry To Amend El Salvador's Abortion Ban) and they denied her. When this happened multiple organizations petitioned the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to step in and help. With Beatriz’s case there came more support from people who wanted El Salvador to revise their abortion laws and allow for exceptions like that of …show more content…

The laws were originally made without the consent of the citizens and it has been backed by the Catholic Church and anti-choice groups. There wasn’t an opportunity for anyone to oppose the laws and since women are considered subservient they don’t speak out because there isn’t anyone on their side. Also by imprisoning women they make the women more afraid and put them in danger because they are afraid to seek medical help.
Some people might oppose making abortions legal completely but the first step can be to just rectify the original laws by making exceptions. So when a woman’s life is in danger she can do what is medically right for her.
Some things that we can do to help this happen is bring an awareness to the situation because when Beatriz’s case became public and people petitioned she was able to get the help she needed. With the women in El Salvador being too afraid to speak out they needed people like us who won’t be arrested for speaking up for women’s rights. By doing this we are not only helping them we are also advocating for women’s rights here by bringing more attention to the world wide issue. To help the women in El Salvador you could also get more educated on the issue because before doing this speech I hadn’t heard of the Inter-American Human Rights court so I wouldn’t have thought to petition them. So instead of just reading about the things that happen I personally

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