Effects Of Technology On Human Communication

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Does Technology affects Human Interactions?
Cell Phones has become engraved into many live’s today. Instant messaging allows people to portray themselves in a more acceptable way to them or others. Being behind a cell phone or computer screen gives off a sense of comfort and confidence that a person is not able to project face to face. In Sherry Turkle’s article, “ No Need to Call,” she observes the relationships that many people have with technology and how they use it in their daily lives to communicate. Turkle asserts that communicating through text messages affects the way people interact with each other when it comes to being in person. Lacking interaction with others is affecting their own personal life, however, some argue that communicating through technology is the best solution for them and that phone calls “ demands their full attention when they don’t want to give it” (375). Many say technology is a good way for them to communicate without being in person or talking on the phone; others say technology has become a problem with keeping a physical communication with others.
Turkle, interviews two high school girls name Elaine and Audrey to see how they feel about the use of technology. Elaine talks about her use of a cell phone to text her friends because it’s a comfortable way that helps “ …show more content…

It’s always important to connect with friends and loved ones. Do not assume that email and texting will fill a void in the other person’s life by sending messages to them. There will always be negative and positive situations when it comes to new ways of communication, sometimes we lose sight of the way it being used. Many have chosen text over seeing someone in person, video calling or even answering the phone. This is what will cause the disconnect with the people around them. Balance your communication skills and learn to balance your relationships with

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