Social Exclusion

2088 Words5 Pages

Poverty and Social Exclusion of a Mentally Ill Person

Individuals who lack basic requirements for human existence – such as sufficient food, shelter and clothing – are said to live in poverty. In absence of basic needs it is almost impossible to have proper housing, edible food, proper infrastructure and education including health facilities. There are two basic kinds of poverty: absolute poverty which states that basic conditions must be met in order to survive in a healthy manner. Whereas relative poverty deals with people who are poor compared to people around them but have enough to fulfil their basic amenities (Giddens, 2009). Poverty can manifest itself on (many) different life domains (width) and …show more content…

For example people living in Asia’s largest slum, Dharavi, who have poor housing conditions with poor schools and lack of employment opportunities, may be denied to other opportunities which other sections of society posses. Banks might refuse loan opportunities due to lack of collaterals, insurance companies might reject their applications, or an opportunity of employment might be taken away from a deserving person due to personal and past records. It can also be possible that people themselves might exclude themselves from society’s mainstream. Individuals might drop out of education or turn down a job opportunity or due to lack of confidence, self-esteem and self-value. This might happen due to interaction between human agency and responsibility or social forces might shape people’s views and situations. (Giddens, …show more content…

There might be various reasons for social exclusion. Some section of society might be excluded because of housing sectors. Some live in well-spaced, industrialized and comfortable houses whereas some might live in dilapidated overcrowded house, these differences also lead to social exclusion. Urbanisation also leads to social exclusion. People living in urban areas might consider rural people to be less developed and a major hindrance in development of society and less educated. Due to their low income and lack of education, they might be socially excluded. Homeless people are also socially excluded due to lack of ability to sustain themselves and their family. Mentally disabled people of society are socially excluded because they are a deviation from the society. They do not fall in the mainstream of society. They have a different behaviour pattern and different thought process which does not fall into the normality of

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