Education Before 1833

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Education Before 1833

Education before 1833 did depend upon personal wealth along with other

factors, (fully explained later on.) Different classes of people

attended different types of schools, and the costs that the schools

charged would have a great impact on the types of people attending


A governess would look after the wealthy children, and the boy's

governess would be replaced by a tutor, until they were old enough to

attend school. This tutor would teach Greek and Latin. But in order

for the boys to be taught mathematics, and French a 'visiting master'

must be hired. The girls, on the other hand, were taught

'accomplishments,' which included music, drawing and dancing. The

women's role was to be elegant and to entertain as a wife, not to be

educated and working outside of the home. This was where the education

stopped for the females; though, the upper class young boys went on to

attend a public school, such as the ones at Eton, Harrow and

Winchester, which taught classics, such as Latin and Greek, classical

History and sport. Though these schools were well known for bullying,

including fagging, strict corporal punishments and really bad

teaching. These types of schools were very inefficient, and many

parents knew these schools taught mainly 'manly habits,' such as

fighting and bullying.

There was a range of schools for middle class children depending on

the wealth of their families. Upper middle class children (still of

wealthy parentage) would attend a private school; these were for

mainly boys though some girls did attend these types of schools. The

boys would be taught Classics and Maths, and the girls would be taught

manners, singing, dancing, painting and embroidery. These were usually

boarding schools, though the same types of subjects were taught, these

would have been the cheaper of the two schools.

Another middle class school was the grammar schools, to attend these

schools you must have been followers of the Church of England, a

protestant, Christian. These schools were for only boys and taught

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