Edmund's Monologue

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I want Edmund now more than ever to showcase his confidence and self-assurance because he has managed to create the perfect plan in order to execute his personal revenge. Edmund says, “Well, my legitimate, if this letter speed, […], Edmund the base shall top the legitimate. I grow, I prosper, now gods, stand up for bastard!” Edmund is expressing his desire for personal revenge because he believes that its unjust that people actually think that Edgar is better than him just because he is the legitimate son. During this part of the monologue, Edmund will have an assertive and threatening tone because he believes that his revenge will work. Furthermore, he is threatening Edgar by saying that if his plan works, then he will be the one with power …show more content…

Edmund is feeling unfortunate and unhappy because he has been cast out from society. The setting for the second way of performing this monologue, will have Edmund accompanied with someone else on stage hiding behind a door because I believe that having someone sympathizing with Edmund might help the audience to sympathies with him too and to understand his thoughts and emotions better. He will also have a low pitch because he feels powerless rather than confident. Edmund will be opening this monologue with tears in his face, saying, “Thou, nature, art my goddess. […] I am some twelve or fourteen moonshines, lag of a brother? Why “bastard’? Wherefore “base’?” In the beginning of the monologue, Edmund states that he does not support the social construct that society has created for themselves and him. He only stands by nature. Society has deprived him from his own rights simply because they can; therefore, he shall not allow it. Then, Edmund says that the fact that he was born a few months later from his brother Edgar, does not justify society’s labels, beliefs, and actions towards him. Edmund does not understand why he is not treated as an equally to his brother Edgar? Edmund blames the gods for allowing society to treat him as such, they are the ones who should be standing up for injustices like this. Since his brother

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