Edgar Allan Poe And Roald Dahl Essay

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Edgar Allan Poe, in spite of having a similar writing style to Roald Dahl has more differences than similarities. One thing that stands out in his writing is the dark and emotional style of writing, and a representation of this is his story “William Wilson”. Another aspect to Poe’s work is the ever occurring theme of obsession. An amazing example of this is his short story “Ligeia”. Lastly Poe also tendsWhen it comes to writing there are many great authors, who all write differently. Two of the best are Edgar Allan Poe, and Roald Dahl. These two authors had varied writing styles, but some of their work is very alike. For example Dahl wrote mainly children’s books, but when he wrote for an older audience his style would be to hint at something, then include a twist that made it dark and demented, like in his collection of short stories called “Someone Like You”. Poe's writing is similar to Dahl’s except it excludes the twist, and is constantly in an emotional and dark style of writing. This shows one of the main similarities between their two styles of writing. There will be, and are still many differences between …show more content…

After comparison it becomes very easily seen that Roald Dahl is the better author. For example, his writing always includes a twist, which even when you expect the twist you can never comprehend what the twist will be. Edgar Allan Poe’s writing is emotional, but it lacks the thrilling and surprising aspect that Dahl was able to incorporate into his writing. Another example is how Dahl throughout his books changes the setting from regular to spectacular. Even though Poe’s fear inducing gothic setting seem to work well with his emotional style, Dahl’s setting is used to work with the twist and drastically change somewhere in the book. With this evidence to support that Dahl is the better author it becomes an undeniable

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