Economic Issues In America

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We the people of America have the right to make changes if we choose too. America as we know it, is going down the drain. The economy, war of terror, and unemployment are some major issues America is having. As we speak these issues are gradually developing more and more. As Americans we have always managed to adapt and overcome and that’s what we’ll have to do to conquer these issues. One of the immense issues is the American economy. Less than a year ago economist described America’s economy as the “Lonely Locomotive of the world economy.” The United States is facing economic disaster on a scale few nations have ever experienced. The American exports have started to suffer. It is about 3% lower than last year. When exports are lower they start to drain the demand for the domestic economy. Under U.S. trade and globalization policies America is loosing money. Third world countries are taking over American manufactures. American manufactures cannot compete with third world countries and what they pay their employees. Due to the U.S. trade and globalization policies America has had a negative balance of trade over 10 million in the last two decades. …show more content…

The war on terror has been going on for decades. One the major terrorist attacks was the attack on the twin towers. On September 11, 2001 two planes crashed into the twin towers many Americans, their families, and the entire country was affected by this devastating act. After that awful event American declared war of terror. The U.S. military has spent decades fighting this war. We are still fighting today, as it is easier for terrorist to get access to weapons in this day and time. But luckily we have brave men and women that fight for us everyday and this great

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