George W Bush Remembered Essay

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George W. Bush
George W. Bush was the 43rd President of the United States Of America. He was in office for 8 years, After his father George H.W Bush. Bush served as The 46th Governor Of Texas from 1995 until 2000, when he resigned following his election for president. George W. Bush will forever be established as the President who defined the war on terrorism.
George W. Bush defined the war on terrorism September 20, 2001. In response to a radically world changing situation when the Islamist attacked the World Trade Center. America was devastated about the horrific day. The Islamist also attacked The Pentagon later that day. The Islamic Terrorist also attempted to attack The White House, but the passengers attacked the terrorist and landed …show more content…

Bush was one of the good presidents of the twenty first century. President Bush will be remembered because of his established works in office. In 2000, the electoral votes caused President Bush’s victory in the election. Florida’s votes put Bush 271 , one more than the required limit. George W. Bush on stage in Charleston on February 15, exuding that old “aw-shucks” charm, as he told corny jokes and wisecracks about his supposed lack of intelligence, was to recall the Presidential standup act that disappeared so suddenly, back to texas, almost as if his eight years in the white house had never existed. Some say President Bush and his wife Laura has a great personality, Unfortunately President Bush’s Character was questioned by a third of the Republican Americans some called him “poor or a liar”. Many accused him of drunk driving and lying to get funds for the war. Many doubted president bush as a president. They accused him of lying about his integrity and his childhood life. Some Called him “ The prodigal child” because he grew up rich with powerful parents, George Bush was accused of many things but he never let these accusations get to him. That was just one of many trials President Bush experienced during his time in office.
Former President George W. Bush doubled America’s debt when he was in office. He cost the government 1.098 million in pension money and other perks in fiscal 2015. The Former Presidents Act authorizes GSA to provide ex-presidents with a lifetime

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