Ebola Persuasive Speech

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Lady’s and Gentlemen’s of the congress we scientists are in need of your help to find a solution, for the cure of Ebola. We the scientists need money from you, because we’ll need to find medications, and test medications on the people who are barely getting the virus. One patient who is infected with Ebola can cost up to 15,000 a day. The treatment of Ebola is, so expensive because we have to be precautious of the workers that are being involved. 1 billion dollars is going to be required to fight Ebola. The reason we’ll be needing 1 billion dollars would be for he medications, rubber coats, gloves. Also, we scientists we don’t want to burn the coats, because it’ll be waste of money. We will like to have sprays that could kill the germs that …show more content…

The patients who are covered with Ebola also depends on their immune system, because if their immune system is good, and how they response to the medications. The patients who are being recovered from Ebola have long term problems such as joints problems, and vision problems. Also, we’ll like to have the patients who are barely getting the virus in one facility, and the other patients who’ve been infected before them in another facility. The patients who are allergic to the medications such as ZMapp we’ll be giving them fluids, so they won’t dehydrate. We’ll like to harness one of the patients who survived from their immune system to help another patient who’s sick. This is why we scientists are asking the help from congress to help us with the expenses while we try to find a solution, for the virus …show more content…

We as scientists were asking, for different facilities because we’ll like to keep the patients who barely got the virus separated from the ones who’ve had them for a long time. We would like to do this because we’ll like to keep them on check and see how they’re doing while giving them the treatments. If we put them back into the other facility where the other patients have had the virus, for a long time it’ll be a waste of time, because what if the patients are getting better, and if we put them back they’re going to get the virus again, and it’ll be a waste of money. This is why we’re asking for different facilities to keep them separated, and to focus on the ones who are barely getting the virus. We will also help the ones who have been their more time, but we will see if the medications were giving the ones who barely got the virus, and see how are they responding to the medications we’re giving them. If we put back the patients back with the other patients they’ll be getting sicker than they used to be. We as scientists we’ll like to see progress with the patients we’re working with, and not begin all over again with the process. If we continue to put the patients again with the other patients it’ll get worse, and

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